LDS Product Families

Tactical Lie Detector TLD – Tactical Lie Detector The LDS Tactical Lie Detector is a portable solution based on traditional polygraph sensors. It allows users
Join us at MILIPOL 2019 – Leading Events For Homeland Security and Safety 19-22 November PARIS’ France

Drug Detection Kit D-SCAN – High Sensitivity Liquid & Powders Scanner Station D-SCAN is a handheld detection kit used for the immediate identification of a

Remote Laser Scanner R-SCAN – Remote Stand-off laser scanner LDS Remote Scan (R-Scan) line of products presents a new approach in remote standoff explosives detection

Vehicles Scanning System Sphere – Mobile, rapid deployment vehicles scanning system SPHERE is a comprehensive, relocatable, rapidly deployed, and affordable multi-sensor solution detecting explosives, improvised

Hybrid Detection Kit HDK- Hybrid Detection Kit A comprehensive chemical substances detection solution that can detect a wide range of explosives, explosive precursors, narcotics, and